Enjoy a truly unique, heart-opening experience with the vibrational harmonics of crystal & metal singing bowls, didgeridoos, gongs, handpans, native flutes, tuning forks, drums & sacred songs. Allow yourself to be rejuvenated, invigorated & inspired by the frequency of Love!
What’s a Sound Journey?
Also referred to as Sound Healing or a Sound Bath, a Sound Journey is similar to a guided meditation. Participants often lay down & are not required “to do” anything; simply relax & receive the music. It provides an excellent therapy for stress related issues, depression, fatigue, anger & hostility, feelings of fear, separation and loneliness, along with many other conditions related to the lack of balance & harmony in the body.
The resonating sounds of the sacred instruments induce theta brain waves which promote a spontaneous state of meditation and relaxation. Listeners often experience a sense of connectedness and peace as the sound of the gong offers listeners access to parts of the mind that are usually closed, resulting in a sense of expanded awareness and higher consciousness.
About Your Facilitators:
Alyssa and Prasad are dedicated to bringing healing, love, compassion and well-being into the world. Their deepest prayer is to help people awaken, to remember their power and intrinsic ability to heal themselves. Collaborating for over 7yrs, Prasad's musical talents & vast collection of instruments teamed with Alyssa's study of energy healing, shamanism & wellness creates an experience like none other!