When the veil that separates our world from the Otherworld is at its thinnest.. we celebrate All Hallow's Eve
"Halloween was originally a festival celebrating the dead and the world of the supernatural. The Celts used the term (and many pagans still do) "Samhain" which is pronounced "Sow-wen". It was a time of reverence for and contact with the dead.
Samhain was and is a time for reflection on the previous year and what you have done with your life. It is a time of great magic and mystery and reverence for the supernatural and the "other side." It is considered the time when the "veil between the worlds" is at its thinnest and the dead can-and do-walk among us."
Join us for an evening of both celebration and reverance as we enjoy our last gathering at The Houses.
Food, drink, live music and dancing.
Costumes with masks strongly encourage :)
Event Type: In person, outdoors
Attendees: Archipelago Members
Location: The Club House & The Beach House 4353 Tennyson