The Human Design System offers a type of manual or map for navigating your life. Through practical tecniques and practices, Human design offers a different lense to more deeply understand your personality and consciousness. When keeping this system in mind during life's many circumstances, you may find more ease shifting from frustration and resistance to satisfaction and fulfillment.
What we will cover:
- What is The Human Design System and what is it based on?
- What are the benefits of living by it?
- How can you set yourself free from anxiety, mental pressure, stress, frustration?
- What is happening in today's consciousness with the mutation of the Solar Plexus in 2027?
Feel free to get your free chart online and to print or screenshot it at - get your free chart
Bring a notes book if you like to take notes.
Ex-member from the Special Forces, Ben burnt out in 2012. After a near death experience, he returned with a deep connection to Spirit Consciousness. After working with a Shaman, he discovered his Design, and radically changed the course of his life. He vowed his life following an alchemist path, to his personal growth and self-empowerment through truly surrendering as a passenger consciousness with his authority and strategy.
Today with 7 years of experience, Ben is a Living Your Design Guide, Certified from the International Human Design School. His work is internationally recognized and works with corporations, companies, and private clients. Retreat leader, public speaker, Ben provides guidance through coaching and natural healing to create an experience.