Join us for 4 hours of focused mycology fun where you'll be introduced to home mushroom growing for culinary and medicinal species.
Learn how to setup your home lab and practice the skills you need to be a mushroom ninja.
In this class you will be introduced to ...
-The mushroom grow cycle
-Sterile lab techniques for your home lab
-Pouring agar culture plates
-Making agar inoculations with spores, live cultures and by cloning.
Students will leave with:
The cultures they make in class and bragging rights to say "I've done that".
Students have access to discounted mushroom cultures the day of the class and the opportunity to pick up some supplies.
This class covers the beginning stage in the grow process and will require further classes or study to finish the grow cycle.
**this is not a psilocybin cultivation course**
More about your facilitators:
Zach Kiser
The eccentric founder of
Zach Kiser is a cultivator, forager, thinker, slightly disruptive and unconventional. He takes a no nonsense approach to teaching mycology but somehow manages to be friendly. Zach was educated at Colorado State University earning a BS in horticulture and was surprised to find out that he himself really enjoys educating others.
Gary Heferle
Owner and operator of Fresh from the Farm Fungi, a premium commercial gourmet mushroom farm in Denver. Gary has been growing his business from the ground up with his wife Addie and believes in the sustainability of eco-friendly mushroom cultivation practices. He has earned his BS in Medical Technology from the State University of Buffalo NY and has an extensive laboratory background in mycology, microbiology and tissue culture techniques.