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Unlocking Secure Love

Event Type: In person, outdoors with social distancing

Capacity: 16 people

This workshop is a taste of the six-week course, Bold Love, which starts August 11. If you can’t attend the workshop but are interested in the program, email to get info and an invite.

Unlocking secure? Sounds a bit contradictory, doesn’t it. Especially if, like me, you have an anxious attachment style. Which basically means you want to get closer to someone all the time!

Lock eyes, lock hands, lock hearts. Then life will be good. Yep, I knew that story. Until I met the love of my life, hit the limits of that anxious way of loving, and had my mind (and heart) blown by an understanding of attachment that I wish I’d learned years sooner. Now I know there’s a possibility beyond loving anxiously… building a secure base that supports both delighted independence and deepened intimacy.

Come take an entertaining dive into the hopes, fears, and text message follies of anxious attachment. And take the next steps toward that holy grail of secure attachment. This workshop will support you no matter your relationship status. If you're single and want to enjoy your time instead of falling for the same type of person over & over. Or you're dating someone you really like who just can't quite meet you the way you want and you struggle to ask for what you need. Or you're well into a relationship and want to find new ground when you hit the same old obstacles.

In addition to those text messages you want to send but probably shouldn’t, we’ll cover…

  • The driving force of each attachment type in a single sentence so you better understand your partners.

  • Where anxious attachment comes from so you can stop beating yourself up so much.

  • What to watch for (aka responses that will make 120% total sense at the time yet may be counterproductive).

  • Activating strategies & protest behaviors

  • Keys to the anxious & avoidant pairing, including why you’re more similar than you think even if they drive you bonkers sometimes.

  • How to build a secure, self-resourced base so you’re equally comfortable in intimacy or on your own, plus able to move easily between the two.

For less than the price of one date, come unlock a lifetime of feeling secure in your relationship with love.

Note on Attachment Type: Not sure of your attachment style? You can:

  1. Take this quick test

  2. Or this even speedier one… do you take it personally if someone doesn’t text you back quickly and think they would have if you’d said just the right thing? Easily abandon your own wants & needs to build connection with a potential partner? Feel like you only spend a Saturday night solo if you’ve failed to connect? Or tend to chase someone even when they’ve consistently not shown up? Cool, get in here with us.

About Your Facilitator, Galen Bernard:

In my six years as a peer-support trained coach, love is one of the three top areas that people come to me to address. The other two—work and joy—often deeply intersect with romance.

Through my company, Courage Club, I've helped thousands of individuals discover the possibilities of living with a bold heart. Whether that's talking to your crush, asking for what you want, risking judgment for a relationship, or having the hard conversation that heals a love and sets it on the path toward marriage (true story).

My aim is to help you free yourself from fear, build a sense of goodness in every fiber of your being, and eliminate the sense of “I can’t.” 
Our important relationships are often the most potent possibility for that transformation to happen.


Earlier Event: July 28
Community Work Jam
Later Event: July 28
Sunset Hike @ Mount Sanitas.