Looking for a new creative passion to pick up with all this spare time? Have a camera that’s been collecting dust or one that stays in Auto-mode?
Grab that camera and join us as we learn about our camera’s most basic settings, and practice how we can use them to take more control and create beautiful images — Insta-fame, here we come.
We'll be virtually getting in the mix together and shooting photos over the course of the workshop so bring your keenest eye and wildest imagination, and set yourself up in a well lit area (access to an outdoor space is great!) with a variety of subjects (inanimate subjects welcome!) to photograph!
A quick note on who this class is intended for:
Curious and budding photographers with little to no understanding of camera settings like aperture, shutter speed, and ISO, that want to take the next step into photography!
Owners of a DSLR (Digital SLR) or mirrorless camera, with settings like M/S/A or M/Av/Tv.
Essentials for the workshop:
A camera with a charged battery and memory card
A well lit area with various subjects to photograph
Drinks? Why not.
Any questions, comments, or emotional outbursts? Feel free to reach out to Jeff directly at jeff@photosbyjones.com
About Jeff:
Once likened to that of wasabi, Jeff Jones packs an unassuming punch. As a photographer and creative, Jeff builds captivating visual stories and brands
by capturing images that inspire awe and evoke the emotions of the present moment, making us feel in touch with something greater than ourselves. His superpower is capturing the essence of characters that show up for a good time, helping people feel comfortable
to peel back the layers of mystery and disguise and show their true beauty.